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Use These 5 Tips to Make Your Workout Fun

Use These 5 Tips to Make Your Workout Fun

Stop for a moment and recall the last time you had fun. I mean honest, true, felt-from-the-top-of-your-head-to-the-tips-of-your-toes FUN. When that happened, did you care about the time, effort, distance, or even cost? Of course not!

The only thing that mattered was that you were enjoying yourself and you were happy. That same phenomenon can drastically improve your workouts.

When you are having FUN, you’ll workout longer, try harder, and get more results.

If you apply these five tips below to your workouts, you help open up a whole new element of fun in your workouts and you’ll achieve stronger results because of it.

1) Just give it a try!
Did you ever dismiss a dish because it looked or smelled funny, but when you tried it you loved it? How many other things have you prejudged negatively until you gave them a try and were surprised by how much you ended up liking them? That same principle applies to physical activities and the different workout style that are available. Instead of assuming that you won’t enjoy a type of workout, try them all and come to your own conclusions.

If you end up liking a variety of them—lucky you! You can mix up your routine more frequently and keep your body guessing at what is coming next.

There are plenty of choices out there, so don’t stick to the status quo; try dancing studios, yoga, Pilates, kickboxing, surfing. Mix it up!

Most places give one or two trial classes for free or introductory offers, so why not take advantage of them?

You have nothing to lose, and so much fun and enjoyment to gain.


2) Diversify
Another reason it is important to try many types of workouts is because boredom—and monotony— is an enemy of fun. Standing on the outside, when you witness the monotonous routines people undergo at times, even just watching will make you uninspired!

I understand that beginners need to start slow and steady and repeat workouts and movements to build a solid base, but even after months many of us will often stay stuck in the same movements and exercise patterns.

Want to have fun instead? Diversify.

One day try going for an outdoor hike, followed by a gym workout the next day, followed by a boxing class the day after that!

Every day will be a surprise for your body and mind, and you’ll maximize your chances to experience more fun and less mindless routine. As a bonus you’ll amp up your results.

More and more research shows that breaking up the routine forces the body to work harder and get far stronger than it ever will doing the same workout over and over again.

Challenge your body in new ways with new workouts that it hasn’t had time to adapt to and you’ll see faster results.

3) Reality check
Learning to set realistic goals is important to avoid disappointment. Unreal expectations are another enemy of fun. When you started your first job you knew you were not going to be an instant expert. There’s a learning curve while you build a skill set. Allow for that same learning curve as you set your expectations for your workouts.

By learning to set, adjust, and moderate your workout goals to a realistic place, you will reduce the stress that can occur from pre-established goals.

I’m not talking about being complacent or doing as little as possible, but rather doing as much as you possibly can within your realistic physical potential to fulfill your own personal goals.

It will open up the opportunity to enjoy the process so much more.


4) The right mechanics
Injuries are not fun. So consciously making decisions to help prevent them automatically increases your chances of engaging in fun workout.

One of the best methods to prevent injuries is to apply proper body mechanics. This goes beyond thinking about proper form while you are in the gym (although that is important) and includes actually applying that same intentional form in everyday life.

The way we sit, walk, lie down, get up, stand and every movement we carry out is significant in preventing or fostering injury.

Our daily common movements set the stage for our physical activity, so working off good basic mechanics will also increase good form during your workouts, reducing the possibility of experiencing new injuries or aggravating old ones.

An injury-free workout is exponentially more fun!


5) Buddy Up
Here in Malibu I frequently work out with a bunch of “my best buds.” It’s a group of guys that all push each other and plan workouts on the spur on the moment based on what our bodies need that day.

The additional motivation—and dare I say FUN—that we have because we are pushing each other and motivating each other is out of this world.

There’s a freaking insane amount of accountability and encouragement when we get together. Find a friend and workout together.

It will elevate your fitness—and the FUN you have— to a whole different level.

What have you applied in your workouts to make them fun for you? Share it with the SuperLife Global Community!

LIKE us on Facebook or sign up for The Weekly SuperCharge to join in the conversation—and have some fun. Have workout questions? Let me know by taking the survey here. I’m asking for your top two challenges I can help you overcome.

Love the Life You Live,

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