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Almonds Tag

Pile together some summertime favorites in this fresh,  antioxidant-rich, sun-protecting summer salad! This nutrient-rich salad combines lycopene, found in the watermelon, together with other nutrients such as beta-carotene from carrots, vitamin C from the strawberries, vitamin E in the almonds, and antioxidants in the green tea. These powerful...

  There's nothing like a nourishing, fast salad thrown together with gusto! Darin whipped this fresh salad recipe up right after returning to Malibu from a superfood-hunting trip to Peru. The measurements below are a starting point. Have fun tossing everything together and simply head where...

  “People who eat nuts daily live longer than those who don’t.” Have your attention yet? I discuss the amazing health benefits of eating raw nuts and seeds in my book, SuperLife. Nuts and seeds actually deliver critical healthy fats and additional nutrients that aid your body’s...