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Tomato Tag

There's a reason time is the ultimate commodity - there is never, ever enough of it! So while I love creating memories and beautiful dishes in the kitchen, there's not always time. And when you're starving, if healthy food can't happen fast, you'll be tempted...

Simple salads with a minimal amount of ingredients can still nourish your body well! This basil fresh salad combines earthy basil with the spicy bam! of jalapenos. Basil offers a fragrant freshness to this salad. Bet you didn't know that there are more than 60 varieties...

  There's nothing like a nourishing, fast salad thrown together with gusto! Darin whipped this fresh salad recipe up right after returning to Malibu from a superfood-hunting trip to Peru. The measurements below are a starting point. Have fun tossing everything together and simply head where...