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Food Tag

We are at a critical time in history. It’s the exact right time to be making changes in your life to improve the health of the planet and the environment around us. It can be a daunting task. But what if we looked at it...

Everything is connected in the body, especially to create an environment for the body to have energy, fight disease, be pain free, and simply feel great. This includes the food you eat. Eating a diet full of alkaline-rich foods while limiting acidic foods, sets your...

When you are starving, flavor can take a backseat to anything fast. But that doesn't have to be the case. You could eat blueberries and an apple and call it a day, but when you take under 5 minutes to cut up the apple and...

“Being healthy matters only because we need good health to have everything else we want; fantastic lives – happy, positive, full of passion, and energy, and LOVE”! That’s what matters most isn’t it? This sums up everything I am hoping you will gain after reading...