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Healthy Eating

[powerpress] The sparkling water market has boomed in the last decade, making carbonated water all the rage. While fizzy water seems like a healthy alternative to sugary sodas, it may not be as healthy as you think it is. WELCOME TO Fatal Conveniences™. Sparkling water is fun...

[powerpress] If you’re not washing your produce, you’re biting off far more than you can, or should, chew. Pesticides, fertilizers, toxins, and germs could be lurking on that apple, or head of lettuce– even if it’s organic! Taking the extra step of thoroughly washing your produce...

[powerpress]Everyone loves a backyard barbecue. And of course, the grill is always the star of any cookout. Cooking over an open flame has been a part of human culture since cavemen discovered fire. But grilling today looks a lot different than it used to. While...

[powerpress] Getting a cancer diagnosis is terrifying. The only thing scarier than getting that kind of news is learning your only option for survival is chemotherapy. What if there’s another path to healing? After all, cancer isn’t something you fight, it’s something you heal. WELCOME TO THE...

[powerpress] It is absolutely necessary to filter the contaminants out of your tap water before drinking. But does your filtered water contain the necessary electrolytes that your body so desperately needs? WELCOME TO Fatal Conveniences™. Nearly 75% of Americans are dehydrated. But it’s not just water their bodies...

[powerpress] We’ve lost touch with the healing methods of our ancestors. Learning more about what a curandera does and believes is a great way to reconnect with the healing powers of Earth’s medicines. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW Felicia Coctzin Ruiz is a curandera. But you don’t...