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[powerpress] Petroleum jelly products have been part of the American skincare market for 100 years. It’s been marketed as a makeup remover, a skin moisturizer and even a salve for cuts and burns. Even if you think of Vaseline as something your grandmother used, you’d be...

[powerpress] When we feel like we're broken or unworthy, we can wind up finding fixes in unhealthy places. In 2018, almost 53 million people aged 12 years and older misused prescription drugs in the United States. As addiction rates continue to climb, the health of the...

[powerpress] When you’re firmly in the grasp of a disease like addiction, maintaining healthy eating habits isn’t high on the priority list. After months or even years of extreme substance abuse, combined with a terrible diet, your health can suffer dramatically. Diabetes, heart conditions, cancers, and...