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Superfood Hunting Tag

Stress is an unavoidable part of life. We all experience it from time to time. All forms of stress – emotional, nutritional, environmental, physical – stimulate the production of cortisol, known as the stress hormone. Cortisol can be very damaging to our bodies in the...

Everyone knows one of the most loved beverages, coffee. But not many people beyond superfood hunter Darin Olien and the product development team at Shakeology® have heard of coffee fruit — or know what makes it special. But that is about to change. Olien, often called...

There are a lot of countries to visit that people instantly recognize. Tell someone you’re flying to China and they instantly visualize and understand where you’re going and just how far you are traveling. On other hand, there are other countries that people don’t immediately...

YACON, Llacon (Smallanthus Sonchifolius) What is yacon? This sweet, root-like vegetable originates and predominates throughout the pre-Andes ranges from Ecuador to Chile to Argentina. It is also grown in New Zealand, Italy, Czech Republic, Philippines, and Vietnam as well. This plant's root is a crunchy vegetable that...

Every day I'm traveling while hunting superfoods is incredible. It is! Mud slides, sleepless nights of travel, cell-phone-stealing orangutans, dirt, hustle, and chaos included! Some days, however, are just…legendary. Today in the high altitudes of the Andes, I had the opportunity to meet a true legend...