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Aging Tag

[powerpress] What if we could slow down the physical aging process and age better, healthier, and stronger? Thankfully, there is something we can start doing that will make a drastic impact: Boosting NAD+ in our bodies.  NAD+ is a molecule found in every cell of your body that...

[powerpress] We’re getting older every day. Every morning we wake up, our body has aged since the day before. Some cultures regard this aging process with esteem and cherish it. They treat their elders as wise fixtures in their society, whose knowledge is priceless. But here...

[powerpress] Aging is a part of life. But in our American society, we hold some pretty strong negative age beliefs. Elderly people are segregated from regular life, and seen as past their prime with nothing left to offer. We associate old people with dementia and disease...

[powerpress]Aging is a part of life, there’s nothing we can do to stop it. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t try. People go to great lengths to thwart the physical effects of aging. One of the most popular ways to combat wrinkles these days is...

[powerpress] Aging. It's a process in life that we're all going through- right from the second we're born. Although aging isn't actually a disease, it does bring many risks. Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, and cancer are just a few examples. But what if everything we think we...