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Sustainability & Activism

[powerpress] Across the world, rivers are drying up, and once lush green lands are transforming into deserts. To reverse the destruction of our planet, more people need to become aware of the desperate need for more trees. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW. I’m Darin Olien, the “superfood...

[powerpress] What’s in your underwear? Have you really thought about it? You should. The fabric around our most sensitive skin could be negatively impacting our health in a big way. Instead of cheap, toxic fabrics, we should be focusing our energy on incorporating strong, sustainable fabrics...

[powerpress] We put them on our bodies every day. We run in them. Sleep in them. Have our best and worst moments in them. I’m talking about clothes, and they’ve been a part of human history for thousands of years. But what we may not be...

[powerpress] Salad. Meat. Sliced watermelon. Frozen veggies. What do all these supermarket products have in common? They’re all wrapped in some sort of plastic packaging. Not only is this plastic destroying our planet, but the toxic chemicals it’s made from is soaking into our food. It’s...

[powerpress] There are over 9 billion metric tons of plastic on the planet today. That figure sounds massive because every single piece of plastic ever made still exists today. It doesn’t go anywhere, guys. It doesn’t dissolve, it doesn’t disappear, it stays with us, in one...

[powerpress] Now more than ever, people are searching for a better way. A better way to live, a better way to eat, and a better way to help their fellow man. We’ve always known the answers, but we’ve somehow forgotten them along the way. We have...