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[powerpress]  Did you know that cereal, a beloved breakfast item, has a strange history that includes religious mania, mind control, food guns, and the realization that kids have immense marketing power?  When you remove those factors, do you have a healthy product? Tony the Tiger might stop...

[powerpress]Gas stoves provide an instant and constant heat source and burn cleaner than coal and wood burning stoves. And people who love their gas stoves really loooove their gas stoves.But if they knew what their beloved cooktop was releasing into their home, would they still...

[powerpress] The vegan food label has become increasingly popular in recent years, and for good reason. It allows individuals who choose to adopt a vegan lifestyle to easily identify products that align with their dietary choices and values.    However, the vegan label can also be dangerous, as...

[powerpress]Parents have a lot on their plate, trying to raise and support their children. At the end of the day, battling with your child to eat healthy food may seem like a battle you’re too tired to fight. Hence why so many parents turn to...

[powerpress] Astroturf, also known as Sports turf or artificial turf, has revolutionized the world of sports. It has become a popular alternative to natural grass fields due to its durability, low maintenance, and ability to withstand extreme weather conditions. However, as with most innovations, sports turf...

[powerpress] People have been removing natural body hair for centuries using various methods, the most common way today being razors. Unfortunately, in today’s day and age, the majority are made of plastic. While this is an obvious flaw in this fatal convenience, there’s a vastly overlooked...