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[powerpress] Since loss is a part of life, grief is as well. While grief can be extremely debilitating emotionally, it can also be uniting. Sorrow is a universal emotion– no matter where you’re from, how old you are, what your background is, you know the intensity...

[powerpress] Society leads us to believe that you have to be extroverted to be successful. That’s just not the case. If you’re an introvert, you have just as much to offer the world as an extrovert. In fact, being introverted is a kind of superpower. Perhaps...

According to the CDC, over 20% of Americans reported experiencing chronic pain in 2004. In fact, chronic pain is one of the most common reasons adults seek medical care. It’s been linked to restrictions in mobility, anxiety and depression, and most disturbingly, dependence on opioids....

[powerpress] When you endure unimaginable abuse in your childhood, how do you move past that pain? While different people may have different answers to that question, one way to heal is to help others heal as well. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW Tom “Quitproof” Jones never doubts...