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[powerpress] Single-use plastics are wreaking havoc on our planet. Did you know that 80% of plastic water bottles end up in landfills in the United States alone? And it takes up to 1,000 years for one plastic water bottle to decompose. 1,000 years! Not only are...

[powerpress] Water is the world’s most precious resource. However, 86% of plastic water bottles end up sitting in landfills or waterways in the United States alone. While everyone needs access to clean drinking water, there has to be a better way. Thankfully, there are companies committed...

[powerpress] Although nature doesn’t directly determine human fate, it’s important that we understand how natural laws affect our lives. Understanding Earthly Order can help us effectively spark change. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW Saleem H Ali wants you to understand the Earthly Order.  Although he was born...

[powerpress] The average American citizen produces over 1600 pounds of waste every year, more than any other country in the world. And we only recycle about 35% of this waste, which is less than any other country in the world. We all agree that recycling is...

[powerpress] All that glitters is gold, right? That may be just a line from a song. But the truth is that humans have found ways to decorate the things around us to glitter and shine for thousands of years. It doesn’t matter if it’s an art...