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The Art of Persuasion & How to Use it For Good | Jason Harris

The Art of Persuasion & How to Use it For Good | Jason Harris

We are bombarded with thousands of ads on a daily basis. No matter where you turn, everyone is trying to sell something. But marketing gets a bad wrap– selling isn’t always about money. To market yourself, an idea or a product is to persuade. We market and advertise ourselves all the time, at work, on social media, to potential partners– it’s all about the subtle art of persuasion! So what if we used our marketing skills for the greater good?


Jason Harris uses persuasion to sell stuff– and for the greater good.

As the co-founder and CEO of the award-winning advertising agency, Mekanism, Jason knows all about selling. He’s also the co-founder of the Creative Alliance and author of the national bestseller, The Soulful Art of Persuasion. Through a unique blend of creativity and performance, he works closely with brands and companies to expand their reach. This practical yet original approach is dubbed “Soul + Science.” He’s used these techniques with brands like Ben & Jerry’s, Alaska Airlines, OkCupid, and many others. In 2021, Jason was named CEO of the Year by The Drum and recipient of the 4A’s 100 People Who Make Advertising Great. 

In Jason’s book, he explores the power of vulnerability and transparency as a way to connect with others both in life and in business. He strives to make authenticity a founding principle in all he does, and finds this an invaluable trait in marketing and advertising as well. In this conversation, Jason and I bonded over our passion for marketing ourselves without really intending to– talk about the subtle art of persuasion! Marketing is something I’ve always done naturally– not because I’m good at selling stuff, but because I’m good at sharing what I’m passionate about. And as Jason says, if you’re authentic in what you’re selling, people catch on to that quickly. That’s what persuasion is all about– being authentic in your message.

Don’t worry,

this episode isn’t some kind of marketing how-to guide, or how to use persuasion to sell a product. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. We chatted about how naturally marketing yourself and your purpose in life can inspire others to do the same. Because if we’re going to make a real impact on the planet, we have to sell the message! If you’re in the advertising and marketing world, or just want to learn how to boost your brand or social media presence authentically, this is a great episode to tune into. We sell ourselves every day, might as well learn how to use persuasion for the greater good.


[00:05:15] Is marketing just persuasion?

[00:12:42] We all have inner bullshit detectors

[00:20:37] Going beyond persuasion

[00:27:27] Where does the money come in?

[00:38:10] A purpose for persuasion in marketing

[00:43:28] How to persuade without misleading


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