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Regeneration Tag

[powerpress] Permaculture is about blending land, resources, people and the environment through mutually beneficial systems. Because in nature, there is no waste, only shortages and surpluses. How can integrating more regenerative practices vital to permaculture help us become more energy independent in the future? WELCOME TO THE...

[powerpress]There’s no doubt that adopting a plant-based diet is amazing for your health. But plants aren’t just good for the human body, they can also improve the health of our planet. We all need to explore this concept further.WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOWSimon Hill...

[powerpress] What is regeneration? It’s a radical new approach to the climate crisis, yes. But it also can be applied within. Regeneration is all about renewing your approach to living- for yourself, your community and the planet. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW Paul Hawken wrote the book...

We are at a critical time in history. It’s the exact right time to be making changes in your life to improve the health of the planet and the environment around us. It can be a daunting task. But what if we looked at it...