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[powerpress] If you’re a woman who uses tampons during your period, you’ll use about 16,000 of them in your lifetime. Do you know what’s in your tampons? And if they’re safe for the most sensitive part of your body? WELCOME TO Fatal Conveniences™. About 70% of menstruating women...

[powerpress] Traditional Chinese medicine can be intimidating if you’re not familiar with its concepts or principles. But the truth is, the ancient practice is built around the power of herbs and intemplenting them into your diet for overall health. Herbal eating is a lot easier and...

[powerpress] What exactly is your conscience? Most of us think of our conscience as that little voice in our head that distinguishes from right and wrong. But it’s so much more than that. And you have more control over your conscience than you think. WELCOME TO THE...

[powerpress] Trends come and go in the blink of an eye. Fast fashion is a way to keep up with those trends. The clothes are cheap, easy to find and come in every color of the rainbow. It makes it easy to afford a different outfit...

[powerpress] There are 38 million people who experience food insecurity in the United States. Food insecurity is defined as a lack of consistent access to nutritious food to support a healthy life. How can we make more Americans food secure? And how can we ensure that...

[powerpress] Making a New Year’s resolution is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, setting goals and setting out to improve yourself and your life is a very positive action to take. However, making unachievable resolutions is just setting you up for stress and disappointment. WELCOME TO...