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[powerpress]Everyone loves a backyard barbecue. And of course, the grill is always the star of any cookout. Cooking over an open flame has been a part of human culture since cavemen discovered fire. But grilling today looks a lot different than it used to. While...

[powerpress] We are bombarded with thousands of ads on a daily basis. No matter where you turn, everyone is trying to sell something. But marketing gets a bad wrap– selling isn’t always about money. To market yourself, an idea or a product is to persuade. We...

[powerpress] Canning is a convenient way to preserve foods to prolong their shelf-life. Almost everything edible, from fruits and veggies to seafood, can be canned. And once canned, the food can be consumable for years. You can find aisles of affordable canned foods in every grocery...

[powerpress] Although nature doesn’t directly determine human fate, it’s important that we understand how natural laws affect our lives. Understanding Earthly Order can help us effectively spark change. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW Saleem H Ali wants you to understand the Earthly Order.  Although he was born...

[powerpress] Spirituality doesn’t have to be this allusive thing, only meant for certain people. In fact, getting in touch with your spirituality– whatever that means for you– could help fuel a purpose in your life. WELCOME TO THE DARIN OLIEN SHOW Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith takes the practical...

[powerpress] The human race has done massive damage to the environment. Thinking about the climate crisis and all the environmental dangers that exist today can be completely overwhelming. Today’s youth has a collective case of eco-anxiety. How can we calm their nerves and give them hope...